About “my adventure GPS surfingblog”


About “my adventure GPS surfingblog”

History & references
Speedsurfingblog.com was founded by Erik in the Netherlands in 2007. Erik is born in 1986, his weight is between 75 ~80 kg, he is 1.92m tall. A bit history references about speedsurfingblog in the periode 2007~2011:

  • “le blog d’Erik Loots : Toujours de super articles (en anglais) orientés” Erik Loots his blog, daily super articles in englishwindsurfing44.com
  • “Erik is al enkele jaren goed bezig met zijn blog speedsurfingblog.com en laat zien dat je het speedsurfen technisch dient te bekijken om de grote stap voorwaarts te maken.” Erik does a good job with his blog speedsurfingblog.com, he demonstrates that you have to look technical to speedsurfing to progress fastdailybits.be
  • “Feel the Need”beach telegraph
  • “Populaire links”windsurfing.nl
  • “Een jonge talentvolle speedsurfer om in de gaten te houden. Erik Loots had bij de laatste USM de hoogste eindsnelheid en 10sec run.” A young talent in speedsurfing. Erik Loots had the highest topspeed and 10 seconds run at the last Ultimate Speed Meeting Mark van Osch
  • “Erik Loots (max 10 seconden run 80,2 km/h) behoort tot de snelle jonge garde. Hij richt zich volledig op speedsurfen en houdt een interessante blog bij over speedmateriaal op speedsurfingblog.com” – Erik Loots (max 10 seconds run 80.2 km/h) is one of the fast young talents. He focusses fully on speedsurfing and has an interesting blog about speedstuff – Motion Soul Online
  • “Erik Loots schrijft een mooie evaluatie van 8 maanden fulltime speedsurfen” – Erik Loots writes a inpiring evaluation of 8 months fulltime speedsurfing – windsurfing.nl
  • Meet Erik Loots. Determined to take his personal records to the next level, he decided to cash his life savings and start testing and competing as long as his budget would allow him. We’re currently at 8 months, and the clock is still ticking.- Star-board.com
  • Volgens mij persoonlijke records en 4e in de GPS top10 2010 voor Erik Loots – Erik Loots currently number 4 in GPS worldranking 2010 –  windsurfing.nl

New approach: New windsurf adventures?
Now Erik will focus on exploring and new adventures in windsurfing. Still about moving boundaries and going fast. It is about crossing places, making a journey from one to another place by windsurfing. The crossing may be as small as one nautical mile up to hundreds or even thousands of nautical miles. It is about making it from A to B and preferably as quick and safe as possible. Everything has to be re-thought, the ideal settings, equipment, safety measures, etc. As it turns out many others already did some marathon, crossing or even camping/travelling with a windsurfer! With a GPS it is possible to track your day or navigate to the next place. When using the GPS and conditions around you it is possible to improve a crossing or find better ways/equipment etc..

New articles about Speedsurfing?
Nope, Erik did speedsurf active from season 2005 till februari-2011 and has covered speedsurfing topics from 2007 till 2014, now he is into new windsurf adventures. He does not want to focus on 1, 2, 10, 20 seconds speedsurfing at this point of time. However he is excited about water, wind, windsurfing, going FAST, gps, improving and challenges. The decision to stop speedsurfing in 2011 was made because Erik lost fun doing speedsurfing for three reasons. (1) Speedsurfing has been explored and developed pretty well from 2003 ~ 2015, the sport is growing into a radical direction where there are little improvements/challenges left (which pushed it in a direction where it is 100% competitive and not adventurous/fun for all). (2) In the end being mr. speedsurfingblog lead to intimidation practices from other stakeholders in speedsurfing which favored a more radical speedsurfing approach (speedevent organiser, former windsurfequipment sponsor, manufactorers and ‘competitor’ speedsurfers). (3) As a result of 1 and 2 gps-speedsurfing is not a wide growing sport.

SpeedsurfingBLOG sites from start till now





Erik Loots

Erik is windsurfer for 10+ years. In his daily life he is professional in construction dewatering, advisor, troubleshooter. Erik likes adventures, explore and to challenge himself. During his life he is trying to get the best out of it and have respect for the earth, nature and future generations. The modern world is about sharing, in this blog Erik shares his experiences, selfreflection and lessons learned.