Speed equipment weight (Now versus 3 years ago)

Speed equipment weight (Now versus 3 years ago)

Three years ago speedsurfingblog.com just started as my personal blog. One of the very first english articles was about my equipment weight (check the article here).Now I thought lets compare my 2008 speedset with my new equipment. Now it turns out the total weight is exactly the same! Everything got lighter except the Enigma SDM mast is heavier than the RDM I used and the the Reflex 5.6* is heavier than Vapor 5.5.

*A part of the sailweight difference can be explained because the added stickers in the reflex 5.6 also it was slightly wet and dirty during measurement today.

CA speed 44_________5100g
Vapor 5.5____________4800g
4.00m RDM mast______1330g
Carbon ext____________520g
AMEX boom_________3400g
Select SL7 27cm_______294g
Total weight____15.8kg

Starboard W44 (wood)____5000g -2% 
Reflex 5.6______________5500g+14% 
4.00 ENIGMA mast______1580g + 19%
Alu extender_____________488g  -6%
Neilpryde boom_________2680g -21%
Sonntag GPS_2__________186g -37%
Bolts____________________20g 0%
Mastfoot________________299g -12%
Total weight_____15.8kg +- 0%

Erik Loots

Erik is windsurfer for 10+ years. In his daily life he is professional in construction dewatering, advisor, troubleshooter. Erik likes adventures, explore and to challenge himself. During his life he is trying to get the best out of it and have respect for the earth, nature and future generations. The modern world is about sharing, in this blog Erik shares his experiences, selfreflection and lessons learned.