Anders Bringdal first to break 50kn barrier on windsurfer, Antoine Albeau minutes later even faster 50.59kn

Anders Bringdal first to break 50kn barrier on windsurfer, Antoine Albeau minutes later even faster 50.59kn

Anders Bringdal + amazing production and custom Mistral boards


Looks like fun, almost 100km/h topspeed by Antoine

Some others

Patrick Diethelm: 49.71 kts and he is the 3rd fastest in Windsurfing!
Nick Vardalachos: 48.84 kts
Mark Grinnell: 46.49 kts
Matthias Rottcher: 46.69 kts
Farrell O Shea: 48.21 kts
Jurjen Van Der Noord: 47.53 kts
Christian Benzing: 45.57 kts

Erik Loots

Erik is windsurfer for 10+ years. In his daily life he is professional in construction dewatering, advisor, troubleshooter. Erik likes adventures, explore and to challenge himself. During his life he is trying to get the best out of it and have respect for the earth, nature and future generations. The modern world is about sharing, in this blog Erik shares his experiences, selfreflection and lessons learned.