USM 2 /2010

Short report, thanks to the not-so-great-personal-results. I have to applaud for Hans Kleingeld for his right forecast, AND superhigh improvement on his new gear!! The wind was good enough, water was flat, enough space, enough gusts, sun, overall ingredients to make a perfect speedsurfing day.

I did have the worst problem, it felt OK and fast. But I knew it was far from good enough (when looking on GPS). Started carefully to tune little things, but timing was not on my side (gusts etc..). Never got a right overall trim. Maybe it was stupid never to go to Strand Horst with decent “USM-like” conditions to tune up my equipment for the spot. The most frustrating fact is, I still did not found a good trim 🙁 (should have starter WAY earlier with changing trim).  Maybe it is just me not fitting on the strand horst-water, I don’t know.

My Session